Showing posts with label Schools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Schools. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Graduation numbers 2022

In Levittown, 320 graduated this June from MacArthur High School.


St. William the Abbot School had 42 graduates in June, 2022, according to the photo in the parish bulletin of June 19.


At Seaford High School, 174 students graduated. At Seaford Middle School, 158 students graduated from eighth grade.


At Wantagh High School, 192 students graduated. At Wantagh Middle School, 210 graduated from eighth grade.


The photo from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School in Bellmore appears to show 18 graduates.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

School budget vote by mail only

Please see this executive order by Governor Andrew Cuomo: HERE..
Throughout New York state, the date for the school budget and trustee seats is June 9, 2020. However, all votes will be by mail, and the school districts will send out absentee ballots. Other districts have announced these plans on their websites, but Seaford has not yet done so. I presume the library vote will be heldon the same day.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Seaford NY school budget passed

On May 21, 2019, the school budget for the next fiscal year passed, 1,015 to 404. The capital fund expenditure for grounds and doors passed 989 to 415. It seems that about 1,419 people voted, 73 fewer voters than in 2018.  Bruce Kahn (incumbent) and Kevin Devlin won seats without opposition.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Patch reports HERE that the number of graduates of Seaford High School in June, 2018, was 178. The number of graduates of Wantagh High School was 247. The number graduating from Massapequa High School was 593.
Fifty-two graduated from eighth grade at St. William the Abbot School.
One hundred ninety-one graduated from eighth grade at Seaford Middle School.
Fifty-seven graduated from eighth grade at St. Rose of Lima School.
Twenty-six graduated from Maria Regina School's eighth grade.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Projected enrollment in various school districts

A chart in Newsday of 5.3.2018 presented various statistics about Nassau County public schools. Below are some sample enrollments. In the case of central school districts with separate elementary school districts (Sewanhaka, Valley Steam, Bellmore-Merrick), the number totals all K-12.

15,261 Sewanhaka
11,045 Bellmore-Merrick
9,327 Valley Stream
7,052 Levittown
6,741 Massapequa
2,856 Wantagh
2,262 Island Trees
2,243 Seaford
2,040 Locust Valley
1,353 Carle Place
1,169 East Rockaway

These are merely projected enrollments for the new school year.  New families sometimes arrive in late August, and some transfer to other schools or move away.

Friday, February 9, 2018

February meeting of the Seaford school board

(Errors are possible in these notes of mine.)
At the Seaford school board meeting of 2.1.2018, the people rose to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in the all-purpose room of the Seaford Manor School. Dr. Adele Pecora, the superintendent, explained that the NYS review of our district gave no pejorative designation of fiscal stress, awarding it a laudable zero score. with regard to evaluating programs within the district, a committee looked into the multi-age first and second grade program at the Harbor school and decided to discontinue the program.
A representative from Custom Computer Specialists gave a 45-minute interesting, clear assessment of the "IT"environment within the Seaford school district. From the outset,he presumed the audience knew a few bits of jargon without explaining them, for example, the use of "ticket" to identify a complaint about a computer problem. Tickets are tracked. "In the industry, tickets must be resolved in 48 hours" = "It may take two days to solve the problem."
The school district is moving from an Apple environment to Windows 10. About 3,000 devices will be introduced. They may come with 3-year warranties, and extensions will have to be purchased. He made a reference to the SAMR model. I later found this chart explaining what he had discussed. Most current applications are browser-based, so they will be reachable both from Apple machines and Windows. In the future,the district may need more bandwidth, but bandwidth purchase has become less expensive.
The residents' comments included a request for foreign language study in the elementary schools, a remark about the number in first grade classrooms at the Manor School (24 and 27), an inquiry about security at the front lobby doors of the high school,and the service of a teacher to help an IEP student in each and every class he attends.
A fire near the Seaford Harbor School recently showed the usefulness of the new road.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Seaford school budget passes 1,248 to 347.

All three propositions on yesterday's vote passed.
The school budget for 2017-2018 passed, 1,248 to 347.
The transportation changes passed, 1,114 to 467. The high school and middle school students will now get bus transportation when they live more than 0.8 mile from the school.
A proposal to sell a small piece of property passed, 1,199, to 299.
The only two candidates won unopposed.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Seaford NY public school enrollment

In November, 2016, the enrollment at the Seaford, New York, public schools was approximately this, grade-by-grade:

Kindergarten  161
Grade 1            148
Grade 2            178
Grade 3            145
Grade 4            170
Grade 5            171
Grade 6            169
Grade 7            191
Grade 8            185
Grade 9            186
Grade 10          158
Grade 11          180
Grade 12          185

Figures from 2007 and 2012 may be found HERE.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Natalie Naylor described one-room school houses

The Seaford Historical Society must be commended for inviting Natalie Naylor, professor emeritus from Hofstra University, to present her well-prepared slide program on “One-Room School Houses on Long Island” Thursday evening, October 6, 2016.
In 1657, the Town of Huntington designated its first school teacher, but he had no building.  As for a school building, the first seems to be the Voorlezer’s House in Staten Island, a one-room school house in the Richmondtown Museum site. From 1787, we have the Clinton School in East Hampton.  An 1826 school house from Manhasset Valley has been moved to the Old Bethpage Village Restoration.
That Manhasset Valley school house raised a question which Professor Naylor answered.  I wondered when school districts received numbers, as both Seaford and Manhasset bear #6.  She explained that the numbering by towns began in 1821. In the Town of Hempstead, the Hempstead village schools are District 1, Uniondale District 2, Westbury District 3, Seaford District 6.  In the Town of North Hempstead, Manhasset is District 6.
Members of the audience pointed out that we were meeting in a room that had been built for two classrooms, grades 1-4 and 5-8. The museum is the third school house in Seaford, the first being on Merrick Road.
For most of the 1800’s, schools for grades 1-8 were called Common Schools. In New York State, they charged fees until about 1857.  The 1860’s saw the change from male to female staffing, and the salaries dropped.
Some of us recall the statement the students had to sign when finishing a Regents examination in the 1950’s, to the effect that we had at least five recitations were week.  That expression was a hold-over from multi-grade rooms, where students often had to memorize their work and then recite it to the teacher at her desk.


Professor Naylor distributed a very helpful description of each slide in her presentation, together with the addresses of Long Island schoolhouses, and an extensive bibliography.  Many thanks!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Some projected enrollments

On May 5, 2016, in a chart on school spending, Newsday reprinted the Estimated Enrollments for each school district in the coming September, as listed by the NYS Education Department. What follows is merely a selected comparison of enrollments for some of the school districts.

19,000 Brentwood, largest in Suffolk
17,028 Sewanaka incl. elem. districts
9,190 Valley Stream incl. elem. districts
7,899 Hempstead
7,897 Bellmore-Merrick incl. elem. districts
7,383 Levittown
7,277 Freeport
6,979 Massapequa
5,230 Hicksville
2,996 Wantagh
2,963 Plainedge
2,100 Locust Valley
1,976 West Hempstead
1,735 East Williston, Wheatley
1,603 Oyster Bay, East Norwich
1,375 Carle Place
1,190 East Rockaway

Seaford school budget passes, 1,197 to 432

Seaford's school budget passed in yesterday's voting, with 1,197 yes and 432 no votes. The total vote was 1.629, which is about 200 voters fewer than in 2015. Incumbents Janice Baldwin and Bruce Kahn, unopposed, won another three years on the Board of Trustees.
At the Harbor school a different entrance and voting room was used.  Signs directed voters to the rear parking lot and a doorway to an east-west corridor, then west along the corridor to the half-gym, where the voting personnel and equipment were.  We filled in ovals and used one large sheet of paper per voter. The old lever machines (used as recently as 2014?) did not consume paper, but apparently they are no longer stored and maintained by the Nassau County Board of Elections.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Seaford school budget passes 1,396 to 431.

On Tuesday, May 19, 2015, the Seaford School Budget for 2015-2016 passed by a vote of 1,396 to 431.  The total number of votes cast was 1,827.  Unopposed, Patrick Rail was elected to the board.  The mileage for qualification for bus transportation of kindergarten students was set at 0.75 mile.

Monday, May 26, 2014

School Budget Passed

On May 20, 2014, the proposed 2014-2015 Seaford, New York, school budget passed 1,427-592. 

The repair reserve fund passed, 1,326-425.  Resolved, the Board be authorized to transfer up to 2.5 million dollars from the proceeds from the anticipated sale of the Seaford Avenue School to a repair reserve fund for repairs to the facilities in the Seaford School District, which transfer of funds shall not cause an increase in taxes.
The Basic Veteran's Exemption advisory passed, 1,280-448.  Resolved, that the Board of Education exercise its discretion and approve the basic veteran's exemption that is permissible under Section 458-a of the Real Property Tax Law.
Brian Fagan and Stacie Stark were elected as trustees on the school board. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Seaford and other jurisdictions

In a conversation yesterday, I was reminded that not every house with a Seaford postal address is within the Seaford School District.  Seaford above Jerusalem Avenue may be in an adjacent district, such as Wantagh, Levittown, or Plainedge.  Nor does every Seaford School District address lie within the postal area called Seaford.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Seaford Public School Enrollment

The first column below is the enrollment in January, 2007.
The second column is the enrollment of 12/21/2012.


K. Unknown 179
Gr. 1 180 165
Gr. 2 190 170
Gr. 3 197 195
Gr. 4 205 182
Gr. 5 204 199
Gr. 6 226 163
Gr. 7 207 188
Gr. 8 227 204
Gr. 9 173 179
Gr. 10 220 202
Gr. 11 223 208
Gr. 12 173 199

The Seaford School District extends about three miles from Seaford Harbor north to Jerusalem Avenue.  North of Jerusalem Avenue there is more than a mile of the Seaford postal zone that is not in the school district.
East-west along Merrick Road, the school district runs about 1.2 miles from near Cedar Creek to Seaford Creek at Tackapausha. East-west at the railroad, the extent is about 0.6 miles.
The other day (11.18.2016) I met a graduate of the Seaford High School class of 1965.  He said his graduating class numbered 320.  In vast parts of Nassau County that had farms or vacant land in the early 1940's, there was a housing boom through the 1950's that caused a peak in high school enrollment in the 1960's.  By the 1970's, districts were dismissing staff and closing schools.

Friday, January 4, 2013

School Board Meeting of 1.3.2013

The Seaford School District Board of Education held its first meeting of 2013 at the Seaford Manor Elementary School on January 3, 2013.  For most of the public meeting, the topic was school safety in light of the tragic events at Newtown, Connecticut.  The school board president described at length what was done for the final week of school in December and what additional precautions have been taken.  "Tweak" described the on-going change of procedures based on experience and advice.  
Seaford trustees, staff, and residents deserve praise for their work and helpfulness in the days and weeks following the hurricane, some coping with their own damaged properties, many caught up with the need to communicate by visits rather than electronically.
Seaford trustees, staff, and residents deserve praise for their concerned and level-headed planning of and reactions to safety issues raised by the deaths at Newtown.
The second large topic was the need to get FEMA funding for construction of the emergency access/"egress" road at the Harbor School. Patch has an excellent narrative of the attempts to build this alternate route.
For an earlier use of the word Egress instead of Exit, the reader may wish to read this story of P. T. Barnum.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

All Seaford, NY, schools open

On Tuesday, November 13, 2012, all Seaford public schools are open on the usual schedule.  This includes the Seaford Harbor elementary school.  Please see the official notice linked here.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Tuesday: 3 Seaford schools reopen

Please go to this link for more exact information.  It appears that the Seaford public school staff will meet today, but that the students will return tomorrow, Tuesday, Election Day.  The major problem is the Seaford Harbor School, whose students may be accommodated Tuesday at the Seaford Manor School.  However, please read the link, lest my interpretation is wrong.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

In memory of those we lost on 9-11-2001

The sun set about the same time as the program was scheduled to begin.  Therefore, I took photos before the ceremony.  Maybe the holes in the flag provide safety lest the wind tug at the entire flag and bring down the supporting ladders and ropes.

Congressman Peter King later presented awards for service.

Also before the ceremony, we see Peter King (facing left), Fr. Robert Hayden (holding a program), and Pastor Ronald Klose (to the right).
The high school band played the National Anthem with extraordinary clarity and without improvisations.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Regarding the Seaford Avenue school

Again, I missed a Board of Ed meeting. has an excellent report concerning the meeting of August 22, 2012.
The Board of Education has published this letter concerning the possible sale of the Seaford Avenue school.
The Board of Education has issued this press release dated September 6, 2012.