Showing posts with label St. William parish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St. William parish. Show all posts

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Autumn in Seaford, 2019

Scenes from late autumn, 2019.

While the leaves were brilliant, a windstorm came through on the night of October 30, 2019, and removed many of the leaves. When I roamed Seaford on November 2nd, colors were drab. My question on this view of Jackson Avenue, facing north towards Maple Street: If this is not a maple tree, what is it?
Each photo may be enlarged by clicking on it.

At Tackapusha Preserve, just west of the museum, the South Shore Audubon Society has labeled the native plants.  Many thanks!

This tall tree in front of the museum has brilliant green. Is it an evergreen?

A praiseworthy dozen people form the St. William the Abbot Garden Club. Here they display yellow, raspberry, and orange mums, and cabbage and dusty miller. The garden is kept by Liz Mackay.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

New pastor and new associate pastors at St. William

On June 26, 2019, the pastor of St. William the Abbot retired and three other priests were reassigned. Arriving in their place are Rev. Joseph H. Fitzgerald, Rev. Collins Yeboah, and Rev. James Hansen. Their biographies and photos are given in the parish bulletin of 6.30.2019, linked HERE. Look for pages 6 and 7.  
Mere youths! I'm guessing that the pastor is about age 45, Fr. Collins about 35, and Fr. James about 30.
Deacons generally remain in their parishes, so all four deacons are the same.
The bishop appoints pastors for six-year terms, with a second term often granted.
Associate pastors (curates) serve unspecified periods of time.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Patch reports HERE that the number of graduates of Seaford High School in June, 2018, was 178. The number of graduates of Wantagh High School was 247. The number graduating from Massapequa High School was 593.
Fifty-two graduated from eighth grade at St. William the Abbot School.
One hundred ninety-one graduated from eighth grade at Seaford Middle School.
Fifty-seven graduated from eighth grade at St. Rose of Lima School.
Twenty-six graduated from Maria Regina School's eighth grade.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Marie McCormack, taught at Seaford Manor School

We are sad to learn that friend Marie McCormack passed away yesterday, August 3, 2014.  She and her husband raised their family of eight in Seaford.  For many years she taught at the Seaford Manor School.  May she rest in peace.
Her funeral Mass is Friday, August 8, 2014, 10 a.m. at the church of St. William the Abbot, 2000 Jackson Avenue, Seaford.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

New pastors

Above, at Washington and Waverly Avenues.

At 2197 Jackson Avenue, Seaford, New York, north of the library.

Also, Fr. Ryszard (Richard) Ficek, from Lublin, has joined St. William parish as an associate pastor.  
Welcome to all!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Msgr. Thomas Leavey, 85

The parish of St. William the Abbot, Seaford, lost its pastor emeritus, Msgr. Thomas G. Leavey, on October 4, 2010, the feast of St Francis of Assisi. The diocese has listed the funeral arrangements and a curriculum vitae here. The funeral parlor death notice in Newsday, mentioning Msgr. Leavey's relatives, is linked here.
Born in 1925 and raised in Jackson Heights, Father Leavey was ordained in 1951. He came to St. William's in 1971 and served as pastor until about 2003. He is remembered as understanding, helpful, kind.
In paradisum deducant te angeli ..... Into paradise may the angels lead you, may the martyrs receive you at your coming, and may they guide you into the holy city, Jersusalem. May the chorus of angels receive you, and with Lazarus, once poor, may you have eternal rest.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

St Joseph honored at St William's

About twenty-five years ago at St. William's church, the baptismal font was moved from a semicircular part of the vestibule to the front of the nave. A shrine replaced it, and on November 15, 2009, the former baptistry was reopened with a statue honoring St. Joseph. To the right is St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, New Yorker, who lived from 1774 to 1821. To the left, the statue was chosen to represent St. William the Abbot, who was born in Vercelli, northern Italy about 1085 and spent much of his life at Montevergine, central or southern Italy. He died about the year 1142. The sword may refer to the power of the Word, perhaps as found in a Bible in his other hand.

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Sunday, May 3, 2009

New pastor for St. William's parish

Parishioners of St. William's parish knew they were losing their pastor, Msgr. William Koenig, to St. Agnes Cathedral, Rockville Centre. On May 3, 2009, parishioners learned of his replacement: Rev. Robert Hayden, presently pastor at St. Aidan parish, Williston Park.  Many thanks to Fr. Bill for his years here, and a hearty welcome to Fr. Hayden.