Friday, February 9, 2018

February meeting of the Seaford school board

(Errors are possible in these notes of mine.)
At the Seaford school board meeting of 2.1.2018, the people rose to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in the all-purpose room of the Seaford Manor School. Dr. Adele Pecora, the superintendent, explained that the NYS review of our district gave no pejorative designation of fiscal stress, awarding it a laudable zero score. with regard to evaluating programs within the district, a committee looked into the multi-age first and second grade program at the Harbor school and decided to discontinue the program.
A representative from Custom Computer Specialists gave a 45-minute interesting, clear assessment of the "IT"environment within the Seaford school district. From the outset,he presumed the audience knew a few bits of jargon without explaining them, for example, the use of "ticket" to identify a complaint about a computer problem. Tickets are tracked. "In the industry, tickets must be resolved in 48 hours" = "It may take two days to solve the problem."
The school district is moving from an Apple environment to Windows 10. About 3,000 devices will be introduced. They may come with 3-year warranties, and extensions will have to be purchased. He made a reference to the SAMR model. I later found this chart explaining what he had discussed. Most current applications are browser-based, so they will be reachable both from Apple machines and Windows. In the future,the district may need more bandwidth, but bandwidth purchase has become less expensive.
The residents' comments included a request for foreign language study in the elementary schools, a remark about the number in first grade classrooms at the Manor School (24 and 27), an inquiry about security at the front lobby doors of the high school,and the service of a teacher to help an IEP student in each and every class he attends.
A fire near the Seaford Harbor School recently showed the usefulness of the new road.