As fitting, the Wantagh American Legion Post led the parade, followed by a long line of fire equipment.
Any photo may be enlarged by clicking on it. Next year, I will have to choose a location where the sun illuminates the banners. A better angle is along Island Road.
Above, the Wantagh Pipe Band.
The Wantagh Fire Department came, with equipment in company order, followed by the five helpful rescue squads.
Above, six members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians from Levittown. The tricolor, green, white, and orange, in 1848 was intended as inclusionary.
Please read THIS LINK, which describes the enthusiastic work of the Paumanacke Garden Club of Wantagh.
Because of the ceremonial swords and berets, I presume these are Fourth-Degree Knights of Columbus. The berets replaced fluffy chapeaux in 2017.
Another Hibernian group is Glór na nGael (Voice of the Irish), promoting the Irish language.
I could not determine whether this band, apparently from Wantagh High School, was there officially or unofficially. They played vigorously and competently.