Monday, August 22, 2022

Zio's Cake and Cookie

New owners have arrived at Helmut's or Fehn's Bakery at 3649 Merrick Road, Seaford. Zio's Italian, similar to Dortoni of Levittown. On 10.20.2022, I bought an excellent loaf of pumpernickel bread. Zio means Uncle. Google reviews are linked HERE


There are two parking spaces in front of the store and an adequate lot behind that red car, that is, east of the bakery. The photo was taken 1.30.2023 from the sidewalk in front of the Seventh Precinct at Neptune Avenue.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Paul Smith, Pastor of Methodist church

In July of 2022, I noticed a change on the sign in front of Seaford's United Methodist Church. The new pastor is Paul Smith.

Please see this link.

Monday, July 4, 2022

July 4th Independence Day in Wantagh, 2022


As fitting, the Wantagh American Legion Post led the parade, followed by a long line of fire equipment.

Any photo may be enlarged by clicking on it. Next year, I will have to choose a location where the sun illuminates the banners. A better angle is along Island Road.

Above, the Wantagh Pipe Band.

The Wantagh Fire Department came, with equipment in company order, followed by the five helpful rescue squads.

Above, six members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians from Levittown. The tricolor, green, white, and orange, in 1848 was intended as inclusionary.

The Wantagh Masons (who meet in Baldwin) follow the Hibernians. For the aprons, please see
Again the sun angle on Park Avenue makes it difficult to read. Enlarge by clicking.

Please read THIS LINK, which describes the enthusiastic work of the Paumanacke Garden Club of Wantagh.

Because of the ceremonial swords and berets, I presume these are Fourth-Degree Knights of Columbus. The berets replaced fluffy chapeaux in 2017.

Another Hibernian group is Gl
ór na nGael (Voice of the Irish), promoting the Irish language.

ts of Christ Lutheran Church, which the parade will soon pass on Island Road.

I could not determine whether this band, apparently from Wantagh High School, was there officially or unofficially.  They played vigorously and competently. 

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Independence Parade in Seaford

On the morning of July 2, 2022, the Seaford Chamber of Commerce organized a parade north on Washington Avenue to the gazebo at the railroad station, where a few politicians gave speeches.

Any photo may be enlarged by clicking on it.

State Senator John Brooks and Town of Hempstead Town Clerk Kate Murray.

Frank McKenna and librarians from the Seaford Public Library.

Donald Paulson, accompanied by (who?) represents the Lions. 
At the gazebo, after the speeches, Mike Di Silvio, President of the Seaford Wellness Council, posed an interesting series of questions about the fifty-six Signers of the Declaration. The audience replied with answers, mostly correct.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Graduation numbers 2022

In Levittown, 320 graduated this June from MacArthur High School.


St. William the Abbot School had 42 graduates in June, 2022, according to the photo in the parish bulletin of June 19.


At Seaford High School, 174 students graduated. At Seaford Middle School, 158 students graduated from eighth grade.


At Wantagh High School, 192 students graduated. At Wantagh Middle School, 210 graduated from eighth grade.


The photo from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School in Bellmore appears to show 18 graduates.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Seaford Library and school budgets pass.

On May 17, 2022, the Seaford Library budget passed with a vote of 1,395 Yes and 450 No = 1,845 votes cast.

The Seaford Schools budget passed with a vote of 1,307 Yes to 575 No = 1,882 votes cast.

The turf field passed 1,330 Yes to 536 No = 1,866 votes cast.

Lisa Herbert earned 1,042 votes.  Heather Umhafer 851. Kevin Devlin 819. Ben Vogt 328. 3,040 votes divided by two = maybe 1,520 voters.

Link to Seaford Herald article HERE

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Sister Teresita, music teacher, 1932-2022

Sister Teresita Catalano, O.S.U., died yesterday. A photo and biography are linked HERE. For many years, she taught music at St. William the Abbot. She will be waked in the church Sunday 5-7 p.m. One friend described her friendly hugs when met on Jackson Avenue.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Sister Mary Grace, 1930-2021

Sad to relate, Sister Mary Grace passed away on New Year's Eve, 2021. She lived in Seaford and worked at the parish of St. William the Abbot for twenty-six years. The obituary on the Ursuline website is linked HERE.

Monday, January 3, 2022

George Kirchmann, 1942-2021

Sad to report, George Kirchmann, family man and historian of the Massapequas, passed away December 28, 2021. The obituary is linked HERE.


In March of 2016 in front of the Seaford Historical Society, he made an excellent presentation of a trip along Merrick Road, describing both existing and demolished buildings. Dr. Kirchmann was also responsible for the placement of historical markers around Massapequa, and he published a book about them. His most recent publication was "The Massapequas: two thousand years of history."